Binding the World

Developing python bindings for pkgcraft

One of Gentoo’s major weaknesses is the lack of a shared implementation that natively supports bindings to other languages for core, specification-level features such as dependency format parsing. Due to this deficiency, over the years the same algorithms have been implemented in Python, C, Bash, Go, and more at varying levels of quality and completeness.

Now, I must note that I don’t mean to disparage these efforts especially when done for fun or to learn a new language; however, it often seems they end up in tools or services used by the wider community. Then as the specification slowly evolves and authors move on, developers are stuck maintaining multiple implementations if they want to keep the related tools or services relevant.

In an ideal world, the canonical implementation for a core feature set is written in a language that can be easily bound by other languages offering developers the choice to reuse this support without having to write their own. To exhibit this possibility, one of pkgcraft’s goals is to act as a core library supporting language bindings.


Interfacing rust code with another language often requires a C wrapper library to perform efficiently while sidestepping rust’s lifetime model that clashes with ownership-based languages. Bindings build on top of this C layer, allowing ignorance of the rust underneath.

For pkgcraft, this C library is provided via pkgcraft-c, currently wrapping pkgcraft’s core depspec functionality (package atoms) in addition to providing the initial interface for config, repo, and package interactions.

For some languages it’s also possible to develop bindings or support directly in rust. There are a decent number of currently evolving, language-specific projects that allow non-rust language development including pyo3 for python, rutie for ruby, neon for Node.js, and others. These projects generally wrap the unsafe C layer internally, allowing for simpler development. Generally speaking, I recommend going this route if performance levels and project goals can be met.

Originally, pkgcraft used pyo3 for its python bindings. If one is familiar with rust and python, the development experience is relatively pleasant and allows simpler builds using maturin rather then the pile of technical debt that distutils, setuptools, and its extensions provide when trying to do anything outside the ordinary.

However, pyo3 has a couple, currently unresolved issues that lead me to abandon it. First, the speed of its class instantiation is slower than then native python implementation, even for simple classes. It should be noted this is only important if your design involves creating thousands of native object instances at a python level. It’s often preferable to avoid this overhead by exposing functionality to interact with large groups of rust objects. In addition, for most developers coming from native python the performance hit won’t be overly noticeable. In any case, class instantiation overhead will probably decrease as the project matures and more work is done on optimization.

More importantly, pyo3 does not support exposing any object that contains fields using explicit lifetimes. This means any struct that contains borrowed fields can’t be directly exported due to the clashes between the memory models and ownership designs of rust and python. It’s quite possible to work around this, but that often means copying data in order for the python side to obtain ownership or redesigning the data structures used on the rust side. Whether this is acceptable will depend on how large the performance hit is or how much work the redesign takes.

For my part, having experience writing native extensions using the CPython API as well as cython, the workarounds necessary to avoid exposing borrowed objects weren’t worth the effort, especially because pkgcraft requires a C API anyway to support C itself and languages lacking compatibility layer projects. Thus I rewrote pkgcraft’s python bindings using cython instead which immediately raised performance near to levels I was initially expecting; however, the downside is quite apparent since the bindings have to manually handle all the type conversions and resource deallocation while calling through the C wrapper. It’s a decent amount more work, but I think the performance benefits are worth it.


First, the tools for building the code should be installed. This includes a recent rust compiler and C compiler. I leave it up to the reader to make use of rustup and/or their distro’s package manager to install the required build tools (and others such as git that are implied).

Next, the code must be pulled down. The easiest way to do this is to recursively clone pkgcraft-workspace which should include semi-recent submodules for all pkgcraft projects:

git clone --recurse-submodules
cd pkgcraft-workspace

From this workspace, pkgcraft-c can be built and various shell variables set in order to build python bindings via the following command:

$ source ./build pkgcraft-c

This builds pkgcraft into a shared library that is exposed to the python build via setting $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $PKG_CONFIG_PATH. Once that completes the python bindings can be built and tested via tox:

$ cd pkgcraft-python
$ tox -e python

When developing bindings built on top of a C library it’s wise to run the same testsuite under valgrind looking for seemingly inevitable memory leaks, exacerbated by rust requiring all allocations to be returned in order to be freed safely since it historically didn’t use the system allocator. For pkgcraft, this is provided via another tox target:

$ tox -e valgrind

If you’re familiar with valgrind, we mainly care about the definitely and indirectly lost categories of memory leaks, the other types relate to global objects or caches that aren’t explicitly deallocated on exit. The valgrind target for tox should error out if any memory leaks are detected so if it completes successfully no leaks were detected.

Benchmarking vs pkgcore and portage

Stepping away from regular development towards more interesting data, pkgcraft provides rough processing and memory benchmark suites in order to compare its nascent python bindings with pkgcore and portage. Currently these only focus on atom object instantiation, but may be extended to include other functionality if the API access isn’t too painful for pkgcore and/or portage.

To run the processing time benchmarks that use pytest-benchmark:

$ tox -e bench

For a summary of benchmark results only including the mean and standard deviation:

----------------- benchmark 'test_bench_atom_random': 4 tests ------------------
Name (time in us)                              Mean             StdDev
test_bench_atom_random[pkgcraft-Atom]        4.5395 (1.0)       0.3722 (1.0)    
test_bench_atom_random[pkgcraft-cached]      6.2360 (1.37)      1.3386 (3.60)   
test_bench_atom_random[pkgcore-atom]        30.9767 (6.82)      1.1428 (3.07)   
test_bench_atom_random[portage-Atom]        50.2636 (11.07)    19.7562 (53.07)  

--------------------- benchmark 'test_bench_atom_static': 4 tests ----------------------
Name (time in ns)                                  Mean                 StdDev
test_bench_atom_static[pkgcraft-cached]        217.2820 (1.0)           5.9821 (1.0)    
test_bench_atom_static[pkgcraft-Atom]          725.2229 (3.34)         41.6775 (6.97)   
test_bench_atom_static[pkgcore-atom]        28,331.4369 (130.39)      942.0003 (157.47) 
test_bench_atom_static[portage-Atom]        33,794.6625 (155.53)   14,358.8390 (>1000.0)

----------------- benchmark 'test_bench_atom_sorting_best_case': 2 tests ----------------
Name (time in us)                                        Mean            StdDev
test_bench_atom_sorting_best_case[pkgcraft-Atom]       6.1195 (1.0)      0.2011 (1.0)    
test_bench_atom_sorting_best_case[pkgcore-atom]      936.9403 (153.11)   5.5534 (27.61)  

---------------- benchmark 'test_bench_atom_sorting_worst_case': 2 tests -----------------
Name (time in us)                                         Mean            StdDev
test_bench_atom_sorting_worst_case[pkgcraft-Atom]       6.2702 (1.0)      0.3301 (1.0)    
test_bench_atom_sorting_worst_case[pkgcore-atom]      924.1410 (147.39)   6.9942 (21.19)  

As seen above, pkgcraft is able to instantiate atom objects about 5-6x faster than pkgcore and about 10x faster than portage. For static atoms when using the cached implementation this increases to about 150x faster, meaning portage should look into using an LRU cache for directly created atom objects. With respect to pkgcore’s static result, it also appears to not use caching; however, it does support atom instance caching internally so the benchmark is avoiding that somehow.

When comparing sorting, pkgcraft is well over two orders of magnitude ahead of pkgcore and I imagine portage would fare even worse, but it doesn’t natively support atom object comparisons so isn’t included here.

Beyond processing time it’s often useful to track memory use, especially for languages such as python that are designed more for ease of development than memory efficiency. There are a number of different techniques to track memory use such as projects like guppy3 but they often work with native python objects, ignoring or misrepresenting allocations done in underlying implementations. Instead, pkgcraft includes a simple script that creates a list of a million objects for three different atom types while tracking elapsed time and overall memory use (using resident set size) in separate processes.

To run the memory benchmarks use:

$ tox -e membench

Which produces output similar to:

Static atoms (1000000)
implementation       memory     (elapsed)
pkgcraft             474.2 MB   (0.94s)
pkgcraft-cached      8.7 MB     (0.27s)
pkgcore              8.4 MB     (1.12s)
portage              795.5 MB   (10.62s)

Dynamic atoms (1000000)
implementation       memory     (elapsed)
pkgcraft             955.2 MB   (2.93s)
pkgcraft-cached      957.9 MB   (3.56s)
pkgcore              1.3 GB     (31.01s)
portage              4.0 GB     (56.22s)

Random atoms (1000000)
implementation       memory     (elapsed)
pkgcraft             945.4 MB   (3.75s)
pkgcraft-cached      21.3 MB    (1.30s)
pkgcore              20.9 MB    (2.67s)
portage              3.6 GB     (46.77s)

For static atoms, note that pkgcraft-cached and pkgcore’s memory usage is quite close with pkgcore slightly edging ahead due to the extra data pkgcraft stores to speed up comparisons. Another point of interest is that the uncached implementation still beats pkgcore in processing time. This is because the underlying rust implementation has its own cache allowing it to skip unnecessary parsing, leaving the majority of overhead from cython’s object instantiation. Portage is last by a large margin since it doesn’t directly cache atom objects.

Every dynamic atom is different making caching irrelevant so no implementation has a substantial memory usage edge. Without cache speedups, the uncached pkgcraft implementation is the fastest as it has the least overhead. Pkgcore’s memory usage is comparatively respectable, but uses about an order of magnitude more processing time for parsing and instantiation. Portage is again last by an increased margin and appears to perform inefficiently when storing more complex atoms.

Finally, random atoms try to model closer to what is found across the tree in terms of cache hits. As the results show, using cached implementations probably is a good idea for large sets of atoms with occasional overlap in order to save both processing time and memory usage; otherwise, both attributes suffer as seen from portage’s uncached implementation results.

Looking to the future

From the rough benchmarks above, it seems apparent both pkgcore and portage could decrease their overall processing time and/or memory usage by moving to using package atom support from pkgcraft python bindings. While I’m unsure how much of a performance difference it would make, it should at least be noticeably worthwhile when processing large amounts of data, e.g. scanning the entire tree with pkgcheck or sorting atoms during large dependency resolutions.

It’s also clear that using cython’s extension types and C support on top of rust code yield relatively sizeable wins over native python code. From my perspective, it seems worthwhile to implement all core functionality in a similar fashion for projects that last decades like portage already has. The downside of implementing support in a more difficult language should decrease the longer a project remains viable.

In terms of feasibility, it’s probably easier to inject the pkgcraft bindings into portage since its atom support subclasses string objects while pkgcore’s subclasses an internal restriction class, but both should be possible with some redesign. Realistically speaking, neither is likely to occur because both projects lack maintainers with the required combination of skill, time, and interest to perform the rework. In addition, currently doing so in a non-optional fashion would generally restrict projects to fewer targets due to rust’s lack of support for older architectures, but this downside may be somewhat resolved if a viable GCC rust implementation is released in the future.

Other than python, pkgcraft has more basic support available for go supporting package atom and version object interactions. As the core library gains more features, I’ll try to keep working on exposing the same functionality via bindings since I think initial interactions with pkgcraft may be easiest when leveraging it for data processing from scripting languages.